Cholesterol fluctuations can negatively impact the brain’s vascular health and contribute to an increased risk of developing cognitive decline and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease.
Cholesterol is known to cause inflammation in the body, which can affect both the heart and the brain. One of the most important causes of Alzheimer’s is neuroinflammation. Neuroinflammation comes from four sources: peripheral inflammation, central inflammation, genetic, and environmental causes. If you can control the ‘drivers‘ of neuroinflammation, you can have an impact on the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.
Some things you can change can help lower the chance of thinking problems and keep your brain healthy. Eating a healthy, well-balanced diet, reducing stress, and being more active are proven ways to lower your cholesterol and live a healthier life.
High cholesterol levels and triglycerides can have a lot of health ramifications, so a regular lipid screening is a great idea. Once you know your baseline, create a plan for getting heart-healthy and maintaining a healthy weight. Maintaining heart health can help stave off many different conditions, both cognitive and otherwise
Cholesterol Lowering Foods

Beans are rich in cholesterol-lowering dietary fiber, so the more you include in your diet the better. Beans are one of the top cholesterol-lowering foods, so try to eat some daily.
- Pinto beans (9.2g fiber, 8.1g protein)
- Black beans (8.3g fibre, 8.8g protein)
- Black-eyed beans/peas (8g fiber, 10.8g protein)
- Haricot/navy beans (7.9g fiber, 8.2g protein)
- Cannellini beans (7.8g fibre, 8.8g protein)
- Borlotti beans (7.8g fibre, 9g protein)
- Red kidney beans (7.4g fiber, 8.3g protein)
- Butter beans (5.4g fibre, 7g protein)
- Chickpeas / Garbanzo beans (4.9g fiber, 8.6g protein)
The oat fibers in the oatmeal mix with cholesterol in the small intestine, then bind to the cholesterol molecules and carry it out of the body instead of being absorbed into the blood. Oatmeal is made of ground oats that can be made into various foods, including porridge, cookies, and snacks. The cholesterol-lowering benefits of oatmeal are also serving-dependent. Eating more oatmeal can help reduce your cholesterol levels.
Instant oatmeal forms are made into thin flakes that are quicker to digest, they have more of an effect on raising your blood glucose level. So, it’s recommended to use old-fashioned, steel-cut, or whole-oat groats for best results.
This heart-healthy fiber helps lower cholesterol levels. It is also found in other grains, such as oats. Barley contains vitamins, antioxidants, and an important soluble fiber called beta-glucan. Beta-glucan makes it harder for cholesterol and fat to get into the bloodstream.
Other Foods
- apples (pectin is fiber
- fresh fruits
- citrus
- Brazil nuts
- Gogi berries
- nectarines

Whole grains like brown rice, which includes the husk, are rich in soluble fiber.
Green leafy vegetables: The Nitrous Oxide found in dark green leafy greens is the best for healing and repairing blood vessels. If these greens can open up the veins and arteries in the heart, they should have the same effect on the brain.