Fermented Honey Recipe

fermented honey


  • 1 cup of raw, unpasteurized honey
  • 2 tablespoons of filtered water or organic fruit juice (optional, to speed up fermentation)
  • Optional flavor additions:
    • Fresh ginger slices
    • Organic lemon slices
    • Cinnamon sticks
    • Herbs like thyme or rosemary


  1. Prepare the Honey Mixture:
    If you add water or fruit juice, mix it well with the honey. Use a clean jar for this purpose, as this will speed up the fermentation process. If using flavor additions, add them to the honey and stir to combine.
  2. Seal the Jar:
    Tightly close the jar with a lid. Fermentation releases gases, so it’s best to use a jar that allows for some gas release. Alternatively, gently open the jar daily to release pressure (burping the jar).
  3. Let it Ferment:
    Store the jar at room temperature, ideally between 68°F and 75°F, in a dark place. Fermentation usually takes 1 to 4 weeks, depending on the temperature and the ingredients used. The honey will bubble slightly as it ferments, indicating the fermentation process is underway.
  4. Taste and Adjust:
    After a week, taste the honey. It should have a slightly tangy, fermented flavor. If you prefer a more pungent taste, let it ferment for a bit longer, checking it every few days.
  5. Store the Honey:
    Once you’re satisfied with the flavor, store the fermented honey in the refrigerator. This will slow down the fermentation process, keep it fresh, and stop further fermentation.

Tips for Success:

  • Use Raw, Unpasteurized Honey: Pasteurized honey has been heated, which destroys the beneficial enzymes and bacteria necessary for fermentation.
  • Use Clean Utensils and Jars: To avoid unwanted bacteria and mold, thoroughly clean your jars and sanitize utensils before use.
  • Check Regularly: Honey ferments more slowly than other foods, so it’s essential to check regularly. Burp the jar to release built-up gases.

Flavor Ideas for Fermented Honey:

  • Ginger-Lemon Honey: Thin slices of fresh ginger and organic lemon give the honey a tangy, immune-boosting kick.
  • Cinnamon-Rosemary Honey: Add a cinnamon stick. Include a sprig of fresh rosemary. This creates a warming, aromatic honey perfect for cold days.
  • Garlic Honey: Add whole garlic cloves to your honey for a potent immune-boosting remedy. This is great for warding off colds and flu.

How to Use Fermented Honey:

  • As a Daily Tonic: Take a spoonful each morning on an empty stomach to support digestion and immune health.
  • In Tea or Beverages: Add a spoonful of warm (not hot) tea or water for a probiotic-rich drink.
  • As a Salad Dressing: Mix fermented honey with olive oil and lemon for a tangy, sweet dressing for your greens.
  • On Toast or in Smoothies: Use it as a spread or blend it into smoothies for added flavor and health benefits.


Probiotics and Gut Health:

  • This study explores how probiotics support gut health and improve digestion, a key advantage of fermented foods like honey.
    Link to study

Honey’s Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Properties:

  • This research paper highlights honey’s antioxidant and antimicrobial properties, which are enhanced during fermentation.
    Link to study

Honey and Immune Health:

  • This article discusses honey’s immune-boosting benefits, particularly its role in promoting overall health and fighting infections.
    Link to article

Sulfur Compounds in Garlic and Onions:

  • This study highlights the role of sulfur compounds. These compounds, found in garlic and onions, support detoxification. They also promote skin health. These benefits can be linked to honey fermentation processes.
    Link to study

Fermentation and Probiotics in Honey:

  • This study examines how the fermentation of honey enhances its probiotic content and contributes to gut and immune health.
    Link to study

Hyaluronic Acid and Skin Health:

  • This study notes that hyaluronic acid in fermented honey helps keep skin elasticity and hydration.
    Link to study


Fermented honey is an ancient remedy with modern-day benefits for gut health, immunity, and overall well-being. Add it to your daily routine. Focus on its inclusion during the colder months. You can naturally boost your health and keep your body functioning at its best. Enjoy the tangy sweetness of this powerful, probiotic-rich food year-round!

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The information on the Mama Vega Enterprises: Optimal Health 360 blog is for general informational purposes. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always consult your physician with any medical questions. You can also reach out to another qualified health provider.

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  • Charmene M. Vega

    Charmène Vega, widely known as Mama Vega, is a powerhouse of creativity and expertise, seamlessly blending her rich background in education, nutrition, and public relations into a dynamic career as an author and advocate for optimal health. Before founding Mama Vega Enterprises, Charmène honed her skills as a High School English teacher, where her passion for language and storytelling took root. This foundation has propelled her into a literary journey that captivates and empowers readers. Charmène's writing credentials are impressive, with her contributions featured in The Loop Newspaper in Tehachapi and the prestigious Rogee of Beverly Hills magazine. She has co-authored two internationally recognized books, "Overcomer Redeemed Masterpiece" and "Mental Wealth Tool-Kit: Tools to Achieve Mental Wellness." Her influence doesn't stop there; she has penned six insightful books available on Amazon, including "I Don't Want the Neighbors to Know" and the "Now Chew On This" series, which covers topics from boosting immunity to optimizing hormones for better health. As a board member of the Bakersfield Breakfast Rotary and the Blue Zone Project’s resident nutrition educator, Charmène's impact goes far beyond the written word. Her dedication to teaching, whether through her books or her engaging classes on nutrition, reflects her commitment to transforming lives. Her unique ability to weave together the science of nutrition with the art of storytelling makes her a compelling voice in the world of health and wellness. Charmène Vega is not just an author; she is a beacon of knowledge and empowerment, guiding others toward a healthier, more vibrant life through her words and actions. #mamavega #charmenevega #optimalhealth360 #theloopnewspaper #nowchewonthis #bakersfieldbreakfastrotary #bluezonesprojectbakersfield #bakersfieldca #cityofbakersfield #womenempowerment #mentalhealth #specialeducation #autism

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