Protandim Nrf2

What is Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer?

Offering people around the world a better path to wellness and a healthy, vibrant life.

Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer is the only supplement proven in a peer-reviewed, human clinical study to
reduce cellular stress in humans by an average of 40 percent in 30 days. Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer
is patent-protected and is the subject of 20 peer-reviewed clinical studies. Protandim Nrf2 Synergizer works to support the body’s protective measures by turning on its internal antioxidant defense system,
regulated by the protein Nrf2. When activated, Nrf2 triggers cells to produce naturally occurring antioxidant
enzymes as well as housekeeping “cleanup” proteins which work together to deliver balanced protection
against cellular stress.

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